Effects of Gluteal Muscles Isometrics on Abdominals, Back Extensors and Quadriceps Strength

Manish Kumar ,Bhavishya Sharma , Patitpaban Mohanty Pratiksha Arya, Noureddin Nakhostin , Kamran Ali
Background: Weakness of the gluteus muscle is associated with multiple types of injuries such as low back, hip and knee pathology. However, there is no research regarding the effect of gluteal isometric exercises on abdominals, back extensors and quadriceps muscles strength. Hence, this study aimed to demonstrate the effect of gluteal isometric exercises on abdominals, back extensors and quadriceps strength.
Methods: A total of 100 healthy students aged between 18 and 25 years were recruited to participate in an 8-week program of gluteal muscle isometric exercises. The strength of the abdominal, back extensor, and quadriceps muscles was assessed both at baseline and after the 8-week intervention period.
Results: A paired sample t-test revealed significant improvements in abdominal muscles, back extensor muscle strength (p<0.001), and quadriceps muscle strength (p=0.037) after an 8-week intervention. The greatest increases were observed in the abdominals (59.05%), back extensors (46.78%), and quadriceps (7.13%).
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that gluteal isometric exercises had a significant positive effect on the strength of abdominals, back extensors and quadriceps muscles.
Keywords: Abdominal muscles, Exercise, Infant, Muscle strength, Quadriceps muscle, Students
Published: 2024-06-15 Issue Volume (7) issue (3)
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