Brain Analysis with a Complex Network Approach in Stroke Patients Based on Electroencephalography: A Systematic

Abstract: Background and purpose: Brain function can be networked, and these networks typically
present drastic changes after having suffered a stroke. The objective of this systematic review was
to compare EEG-related outcomes in adults with stroke and healthy individuals with a complex
network approach. Methods: The literature search was performed in the electronic databases
PubMed, Cochrane and ScienceDirect from their inception until October 2021. Results: Ten studies
were selected, nine of which were cohort studies. Five of them were of good quality, whereas four
were of fair quality. Six studies showed a low risk of bias, whereas the other three studies presented a
moderate risk of bias. In the network analysis, different parameters such as the path length, cluster
coefficient, small-world index, cohesion and functional connection were used. The effect size was
small and not significant in favor of the group of healthy subjects (Hedges’g = 0.189 [−0.714, 1.093],
Z = 0.582, p = 0.592). Conclusions: The systematic review found that there are structural differences
between the brain network of post-stroke patients and healthy individuals as well as similarities.
However, there was no specific distribution network to allows us to differentiate them and, therefore,
more specialized and integrated studies are needed.
Keywords: brain function network; electroencephalography; stroke
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